Survey Results: Community Image and Community Connections
Survey Info - This survey was sent on behalf of the City of Citrus Heights to the FlashVote community for Citrus Heights, CA.
"Blight" is a word used to describe abandoned and poorly maintained properties (visibly falling apart with junk/litter, overgrowth, etc).
How well do you think blight is being managed in Citrus Heights today?
In the past 12 months, which of the following "homelessness" related things have you personally experienced in Citrus Heights, if any? (Choose all that apply)
Using some American Rescue Plan Act Funding, Citrus Heights is creating a "Beautification Crew": a two person full time team tasked with proactively finding and addressing rundown/dirty ("blighted") properties or areas.
Which of the following do you think should be priorities for beautification, if any? (You can choose up to FOUR, if any)
The City of Citrus Heights has a strategic goal to increase "Community Connection" and will be deploying a Community Block Party Trailer available for residents to rent for free to host community events.
What other ideas do you have for little things (maybe $1,000 to $5,000) that the City could do to help increase community connections or improve community image?