Survey Results: Community Image Update
Survey Info - This survey was sent on behalf of the City of Citrus Heights to the FlashVote community for Citrus Heights, CA.
"Blight" is a word used to describe abandoned and poorly maintained properties (visibly falling apart with junk/litter, overgrowth, etc).
How well do you think blight is being managed in Citrus Heights today?
When you think about the Sylvan Oaks Library area in particular (Van Maren & Auburn/Crosswood Oaks area), how do you think blight is being managed there today compared to a year ago?
In the last 12 months, have you reported any blight issues to the City? (Choose all that apply, if any)
This year, Citrus Heights created a Beautification Crew, a two-person full-time team tasked with proactively finding and addressing blighted areas.
Which of the following, if any, should be priorities for the Beautification Crew in the year ahead? (You can choose up to FOUR, if any)