FlashVote helps you make a difference in your community

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Try FlashVote

  • Do you have one minute a month to help make your local government better?

  • Congratulations, you just completed your first FlashSurvey!

    Yes, it was that fast and easy and it always will be. That is the FlashVote commitment to users.

    As an independent “good government” service, we ensure that:

    • Surveys are brief and unbiased
    • Your responses are anonymous
    • Results are shared with users and governments

    FlashVote will regularly ask for your input. You can make your voice heard from any device, any time.

  • Sign Up Now!

    It's free, fast and fun

    FlashVote gives you a voice in your local government, with just one minute a month, and gives your government the input it needs to make the best possible decisions.

    Help make your local government better. Civic participation has never been easier.

    Take a minute to register now and be heard many times in the future.

    Full privacy. No spam. We will not share your personal information with anyone.
    Have a sign-up code?

Why FlashVote?

Governments need your help. They want to know what they can be doing better, faster, cheaper and differently for their communities. But they usually only hear from a few self-selected people on issues. And one vote every few years from regular people doesn’t do them (or you) much good at all.

Imagine you could “vote” on any topic in seconds, from any communication device, anytime. Governments could routinely ask for your opinion or advice. You could offer them feedback or suggestions in a flash. Welcome to FlashVote!

The FlashVote solution combines patent-pending technology and world-class policy and survey design expertise. Your community provides the issues. We structure, collect and report all the input from residents. We can even provide unbiased policy analysis and suggest best practices. The result is better decisions by governments and happier residents.

How FlashVote Works

You decide how to interact with FlashVote by choosing email, text and voice options. You provide anonymous inputs and decide what information about yourself and your activities that other users can see. You decide how much (or how little) to participate but the more input you give, the more you make your voice heard and help make your community better.

FlashVote ensures that your personal data stays within the FlashVote system and is not used or shared for any other purposes. Your input is always anonymous. We also make sure that surveys can be completed in one minute with maximum value for your effort. We don’t allow biased questions or waste your valuable time.

Governments get statistically valid community input in 48 hours. They see the same anonymous results dashboard that you see. Our exceptional participation rates ensure valid sampling on issues. Governments get the most useful input that residents can provide because FlashVote does professional quality control on every survey question.

Feeling your civic duty aroused? Get started now with your first FlashSurvey above.
