Survey Results: Ice Rinks
Survey Info - This survey was sent on behalf of the Town of Saugeen Shores to the FlashVote community for Saugeen Shores, ON.
The Town of Saugeen Shores currently operates two indoor ice rinks. The Community Complex (Port Elgin) is typically used as a rink from mid-August to the 3rd week in April. The Southampton Coliseum is typically used as a rink from the beginning of October to the end of March.
In the last 12 months, which best describes you and your household’s experience with ice skating/hockey?
If the Town of Saugeen Shores were to keep the Community Complex rink open for use year-round, would you or your household use it during the summer months?
In the off-season, the rink floors are currently used for concerts, dances, craft/antique/trade shows, ball hockey and lacrosse. With year-round ice at the Community Complex, existing off season programming would need to be relocated to the Southampton Coliseum unless an ice cover was purchased. New events may not be able to be accommodated.
Which ONE of these would be your preference?
The two indoor rinks in Saugeen Shores (Southampton Coliseum and Community Complex) currently cost the community about $607,000 per year ($36 per resident) to cover annual operating losses. Providing year-round ice may increase that annual cost to the community.
Which ONE best describes your level of support for the Town to provide year-round ice?